blah ... blah ... blah ... !
kutipan 'obrolan' #Bandung !
kutipan 1
kutipan 2
kutipan 3
kutipan 4 (di bawah)
kutipan 5

*** Log file opened: 25/05/98 11:34:31
Quite Halooo Bud......
<AbanX> Quite teh saha ?
<AbanX> halow Quite
UbaY selalu liat room
Smurf selalu liatin ubay
UbaY tengsin diliatin
Smurf bersin liat ubay tengsiin
Quite =fanny loh Bud...
<Smurf> :-)
<AbanX> fanny ?
<AbanX> fanny sapa ya  ?
<AbanX> =P
<Quite> lo bener2 ngeselin Bud...
<UbaY> bud : mampus loe
<Psychedelio> eh
<UbaY> hehe
<Psychedelio> sapa ngeselin?
<AbanX> walah
AbanX ngumpet di belakng UbaY
UbaY ngumpet ke doni
<Quite> chicken loe
<UbaY> nah lo
Psychedelio geli diumpetin Ubay
Smurf mo ngumpet dimana yah?
AbanX umpetin Psychedelio di dalem celana
<Smurf> waaaaaaaaa
Psychedelio beraksi di dalem celana Abanx
<Smurf> budi : foorrrrnnnnoooooo
<UbaY> ckckckc
AbanX kegelian
<Smurf> aastaganaggasaktimandraguna
<Quite> koq jadi kemana2 sih ngobrolnya?
Psychedelio nongol keluar dari celana Abanx dan berkata " say rambut lu dimana2 ko sam ajah yah?"
AbanX tersipu malu & membenarkan perkataan Psychedelio
<Smurf> buceetttt
Psychedelio kembali beraksi
AbanX suruh Psychedelio masuk & "kerja" lagi
AbanX mengundang UbaY untuk masuk & bergabung bersama Psychedelio
Psychedelio nggak mau bareng Ubay " Will there be enough room for us?"
<Psychedelio> ihik
Smurf kasih gunting ke psycheddelio
AbanX gelagapan
UbaY bengong lagi
AbanX tiba tiba berteriak & muncul tulisan the end di layar
Quite :P

SuperG [~ucrom@] has joined #Bandung
<SuperG> any girl interested in sex ?!
<Frenchie> (#G5;:E210M1TSuperG) where are you from
<SuperG> kagak usah inggris2an lah... gua dari BDG !
<SuperG> gua lagi keras sih... pengen chat ama cewek yang nggak malu2 omong soal seks !
<SuperG> apaan sih ?
SuperG thinks:  ada cewek yang masih bangun nggak ya jam segini ?
<SuperG> halllo.....
<SuperG> kagak ada yang ber-payudara ya malem ini ?
SuperG thinks:  hmmm.... payoyeh...
AbanX has kicked SuperG from #Bandung (gET LosT yOu MATTHA FAKKA,..kAmEhA MeHaA !)
SuperG thinks:  coba ya... kok jahat banget maen kick-kickan !
<AbanX> ekky : suntuk
<SuperG> ehh.... jangan jahat gitu doong ! Gua kan cuman mau ketemu ama cewek yang mau ngobrol seks ama gua !!!
<SuperG> yang kagak suka ya sudah !!! jangan di-kick dong !!
<SuperG> Gua cuman mau tau... ada cewek nggak disini yang mau ngomong2 soal seks ?! THAT'S ALL !
<SuperG> any sex lover around ?!
<AbanX> beli vivid aja loe
<SuperG> sex is good... sex is healthy... and sex is LEGAL !
<SuperG> buat apaan vivid ?
SuperG kecewa ! orang2 sekarang pada MUNAFIK soal seks ! Payah ! cabut ah ! bye semua !!
*** Log file closed: 25/05/98 23:24:27

back to top

*** Log file opened: 22/05/98 0:43:07
desree ingin mencari lelaki dulu.....
<desree> daaaaaag ppl............
<UbaY> desree ingin mencari lelaki dulu.....<===gatel yah
phs anjurin pake kalpanak
<desree> biasalah malem2.......
desree butuh kehangatan
AbanX anter desree mendekati mesin motornya UbaY
UbaY punya selimut dua

sandy [~sriwn@] has joined #Bandung
<sandy> (#G9:0E610M1) Hi anybody here?
<AbanX> (#G9:0E610M1) hi,
<sandy> (#G010E810M1) al of u r in indonesia, right?
<Prya> i am..
<Rover> hi
rastafara isn't indonesian
<Prya> where r u from?
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1) thailand
AbanX 's from zimbabwe
UbaY from jungle
rastafara is a swahilian
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1TAbanX) and u r abanx, right?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) wrong
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1TAbanX) ur president resigned yesterday.
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) o ya ? president of zimbabwe ?
<sandy> (#G610E810M1TAbanX) no, president of indonesia
<Prya> he did?
<rastafara> indonesia?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) o ya ? president of zimbabwe was resign ?
<rastafara> where' indonesia anyway?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) who s that ?
<Prya> how come i haven't heard about it
<rastafara> your president has resigned yesterday? wooowww
<sandy> (#G710E<10M1TAbanX) u r not indonesian?
<rastafara> i told ya...i'm a swahilian
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1TAbanX) bandung is the name of a town in indonesia
<Prya> i think so
<UbaY> (#G610E810M1TAbanX) guess what
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1TAbanX) sorry, i made a mistake
<rastafara> really?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) o yeah ? i think that s kind of macro virus
<rastafara> oh....indonesia is a country?
<sandy> (#G510E610M1TAbanX) yeah, in asia
<Prya> it might be
<sandy> (#G610E810M1TAbanX) u r in africa
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) which part of asia ?
<rastafara> wow...i'd better checked my map first to find indonesia
<rastafara> is it a new country?
<sandy> (#G710E<10M1TAbanX) southeast asia
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1TAbanX) i tell u the truth
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) i think that is not on the map
<rastafara> hey you know any of this indonesia?
<rastafara> i've never heard about it before
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandi) so, where s south east asia ?
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1TAbanX) look at the map and u'll have more information
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TPrya) what language r u talk ?
<sandy> (#G510E610M1TAbanX) sorry guys to bother u all
<rastafara> ?
<Prya> special language
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) bother ? nope......
<rastafara> hmm...let me think....indonesia.....
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) lemme give u an idea..
<Prya> is there any car in indonesia?
<rastafara> it a new country?
<sandy> (#G610E810M1TAbanX) do u have a map near u
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) why dont u explain me bout indsuwa.
<rastafara> unfortunately, nope
<sandy> (#G710E<10M1TAbanX) no, it's a biggest country in southeast asia.
<Prya> really?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) uhmmm ...... i have a map of zimbabwe here, but i dont find indonesia
<rastafara> biggest?
<rastafara> did you say biggest?
<rastafara> bud....gile lu
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1TAbanX) biggest in southeast asia
<rastafara> wow....
<rastafara> a part of malay, maybe?
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1TAbanX) but that is not my country
<sandy> (#G510E610M1TAbanX) yeah, next to malay
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) so, indoswa people is big ?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) is that what u mean ?
<rastafara> hmm...malay...i see.....
<rastafara> singapore
<rastafara> malay
<sandy> (#G610E810M1TAbanX) the population is big, not the people
<rastafara> thailand
<rastafara> japan
<sandy> (#G710E<10M1Trastafara) u know them , right?
<Turt|e> china
<rastafara> china
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) so, it s so crowded in indoswa ?
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) yeah
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) why dont they move to zimbabwe ?
<rastafara> so....that indosia is a tropcal country
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1Trastafara) yeah
<rastafara> indosia.....strange name
<sandy> (#G510E610M1Trastafara) indonesia
<rastafara> very poor country i guess
<sandy> (#G610E810M1Trastafara) sort of
<rastafara> ohh..indonesia....
<sandy> (#G710E<10M1Trastafara) are u in africa?
<rastafara> very poor country.....poor government....
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) sort of
<rastafara> i think it's better here in africa than that indosia
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) indonewsia
<Turt|e> indonesia is in africa ?
<rastafara> oh sorry..indonewsia
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurt|e) no, it is in asia.......
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurt|e) as sandy said.....
<rastafara> hey...why don't we go there someday
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) so bandung is not a name of macro virus ?...
<rastafara> many beautiful girls there in indonewsia?
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1Trastafara) it's a name of a town
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) good idea..... i m so bored with girl in zimbabwe
<Turt|e> indonewsia is in asia ? really ? how come ?
<rastafara> hey sandy....many beautiful girls there in indonewsia?
<sandy> (#G510E610M1Trastafara) sure
<rastafara> wow
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) girl in zimbabwe always dance when we have a date
<sandy> (#G610E810M1Trastafara) pls. answer me, are u in africa?
<rastafara> knaust....have you ever heard about indonewsia before?
<rastafara> sure....i am swahilian
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) dont know swahilian ?
<rastafara> swahili?
<Adur> where's it..?
<sandy> (#G710E<10M5Trastafara) Oh, i tell them the truth
<Turt|e> rastafara is from india ! rastafara speaks Hindi !
<rastafara> a tribe in africa
GboZ [~.@] has joined #Bandung
<rastafara> my mom is a native swahilian
<GboZ> ?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) a/s/l ?
<sandy> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) nice people, good-hearted, right
<rastafara> my dad is american
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) m/f ?
<rastafara> hey Gboz my maann.....long time don't see ya
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) can u gimme explanation bout indonewsia
<GboZ> yeah, ...
<rastafara> hey gboz...heve u ever heard bout indonewsia?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) sandy said that is a big country in asia
<rastafara> sandy said that there's a country in asia....called indonewsia
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) indonewsia is in asia
<Turt|e> indonewsia is in chaos now is it ? i heard from CNN
<rastafara> oh? chaos?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurt|e) no doubt, sandy said that is so crowded there....
<rastafara> know bout that indonewsia
<rastafara> very poor asian country
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurt|e) CNN is in asia too ?
<rastafara> i watch cnn.....but never heard bout that strange country
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) i only watch zimbabwe television
<rastafara> you're not dreamin' are you sandy?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) i think she is
<rastafara> wow..u should watch cnn sometime, abanx
<sandy> (#G410EB10M1TTurt|e) sorry guys, u can find out from ur teacher tomorrow
<rastafara> okay
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TSupertetra) what lang r u use ?
<sandy> (#G1<0E610M1TTurt|e) sorry, I have to go, i am not coming here to lie
<sandy> (#G9:0E810M1TTurt|e) bye
<rastafara> sorry, sandy
<GboZ> afrikaans..
<rastafara> bye...and thanx
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) what do u mean ?
<rastafara> is he insulting us, guys?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) hsahdfkjhfkjlhdf <--- g bye in zimbabwe language
sandy [~sriwn@] has left #Bandung
<AbanX> hik
<rastafara> hia hia hia
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) have found indonesia yet ?
<Turt|e> bwahahaha
<Turt|e> masuk #indonesia
<rastafara> wahahahahahaha
<Turt|e> masuk #indonesia dia
<rastafara> kita kerjain lagi di sana
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) can u gimme tranlation what r u ppl talk bout ?
<Turt|e> hehe
<Turt|e> gih sana
<rastafara> nih anak gue kick lho ntar
<rastafara> who's abanx anyway
<GboZ> ?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) hey, u use the same character as me
<rastafara> ihikk
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) what is ihikk mean ?
<rastafara> ihikk means i love you, abanx
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) i ihikk you too
<rastafara> wahahahahahahahaha
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) <Chr>
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Trastafara) <Chr>
sandy [~sriwn@] has joined #Bandung
<sandy> # Appears as SUSAN.
<rastafara> wow..sandy
<rastafara> welcome back
<rastafara> so...u decided to be our teacher, sandy?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) can u gimme url bout indonewsia ?
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T)  i gotta go ppl
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) see ya all ......
<GboZ> bye abanx cayank
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) if you wanna go to zimbabwe, don t forget to visit my home k ......
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) sajdflksfjlf sajflkurieu  <--- good bye in zimbabwe native language...
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) sajfjlf sajfieu  <--- may the best win  in zimbabwe native language...
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) bye
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurtLe) bye
<GboZ> bye abank
<Turt|e> bye abanx
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TKudanil) bye
<Turt|e> see you abanx
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1Tsandy) bye
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TYudha) bye
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TTurt|e) thz for all, it is so nice to have a kinky sex chat with you
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) sorry, i don t know that you are a homosexual
<GboZ> np he he he ...
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1T) bye all
<GboZ> sialan loe
sandy [~sriwn@] has left #Bandung
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) <Chr>
<AbanX> (#G010E@10M1TGboZ) <Chretttt-- Chretttt>
<AbanX> ihikkkk
<AbanX> I ihikkk all of u
<GboZ> hush....
*** Log file closed: 22/05/98 3:34:52

back to top

*** Log file opened: 01/04/98 0:42:50
<AbanX> Bay : hehe ..udah 1 April neehhhhh
<UbaY> yoa
<UbaY> hihi
||-^SpRiTe^-|| [] has joined #Bandung
||-^SpRiTe^-|| sets mode: +o ||-^SpRiTe^-||
<AbanX> ola koh Abdell
<UbaY> weleh
<||-^SpRiTe^-||> kampletr
<UbaY> alo mas...ter
<AbanX> "master" dateng..HARAP TENANG
<UbaY> alo mas...ter icks
Romlio tenang
<||-^SpRiTe^-||> nyem
<UbaY> :P
UbaY tertunduk
Romlio tidak bersuara sedikitpun
AbanX tunduk & pegang kuping
<||-^SpRiTe^-||> gue kecup lu Bud
Romlio tegang
AbanX gemeteran
UbaY tertunduk....duk...duk
<AbanX> Sip : diem..ada master
AbanX diem lagi
||-^SpRiTe^-|| ngaceng deh dibilang master ......
Romlio making deg-degan takut kena kecup juga
<UbaY> master....your kungfu is very gooooddddd!!!
<UbaY> hehe
AbanX mengantisipasi ngac3ngnya ||-^SpRiTe^-||
Romlio suhu terimalah tanda terima kasihku
Romlio dengan apa tuh Bud
AbanX "mengantisipasi" ngac3ngnya ||-^SpRiTe^-|| ....dengan nyari cewek ke gelael dago
<Romlio> bohayyyy
<Romlio> gue kemaren ketemu bohay di Palaguna
<Romlio> ihik
<UbaY> sapa tuh ?
<AbanX> <UbaY> sapa tuh ?<=== hapal cewek palaguna
<UbaY> anjrit
<Romlio> maca cih
<AbanX> <UbaY> sapa tuh ?<=== hapal cewek palaguna yang "BISA !"
<Romlio> kalo gak salah namanya Ari ama Yuni
<Romlio> kenal gak
<UbaY> weh
<Romlio> die ngakunya anak jalan Sunda
<UbaY> kenali dong rom...
<Romlio> tau bener tau kagak deh
<||-^SpRiTe^-||> duh ....maenannye
UbaY colek romlio dikit ah
<Romlio> entar gue kasih no telpnya deh
<Romlio> khusus buat ubay seorang
<Romlio> hehehe
<AbanX> <||-^SpRiTe^-||> duh ....maenannye<== ini temen "hunting" master UbaY ?
UbaY brb
<AbanX> UbaY brb <== pasti "maen sabun" di kamar mandi..abis baca
UbaY back
<UbaY> weh
<UbaY> gak tuh
<AbanX> cepet amirrrrr
<AbanX> "bermasalah" ?
<UbaY> sial
<UbaY> aihhh
<Romlio> wehh....ngomongin maen sabun ??
<UbaY> pan ada tisu
<UbaY> hehehe
UbaY sabunnya tadi kelepas *hik
AbanX gak ngarti
<UbaY> tau nih
<UbaY> *hik
Romlio pigi dulu ag
Romlio dah ngantuk nih
Romlio pucing belat mata dah ngantuk
<AbanX> Romlex : gi dah sono buruan ! mata gue juga dah sepet liat loe...hehehe
<Romlio> wahh...maca diucil abanx cih
<Romlio> wahh....abanx jaat ............
<Romlio> huuuuuuuuu.....huaaa...huaa....;(
Romlio nangis kenceng
Romlio nangis kenceng banget
<||-^SpRiTe^-||> si romie centil nih .. ati2 lho .. 'disodok' si AbanX ntar
AbanX gampar Romlio....DIEM GAK LU !
<UbaY> weleh
Romlio nangis kenceng banget....sampe tetangga bangun
<Sip> cep...cep...cep...jangan nangis nati aku beliin balon
<AbanX> wadoh
Romlio makacih ka SIP
Romlio tendang abanx dari belakang duckk
Romlio langsung ngumpet di belakang SIP
<Sip> wis asal jangan balonnya dimainin yang nggak bener hehehe
<UbaY> Romlio langsung ngumpet di belakang SIP <--trus ngapain rom?
<AbanX> LOL
<Romlio> tebak aja sendiri Bay
AbanX menghindar...takut Romlio bikin "POH" dari belakang
Romlio langsung pindah ke Ubay
Romlio hmmm....enakk
<UbaY> weleh
UbaY lari dari romlio
*** Log file closed: 01/04/98 2:08:45

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